Monday, January 24, 2011

First Night

This year my eldest son will be turned to 7 years-old. And the second son will be 5 years-old. As matter of facts we are already prepared a bedroom for them.

Picture 1 : Daniel Hakim the second son

But, only last week they slept in their own bedroom. That was the first trials.

At earlier we were sleeping in a cramped of master bedroom's bed. We have never being slept apart. We were staying tight together.

A week before we were cleaning the room. I told them that they must prepare themselves to be a man. So to be a truly man, ones should have to sleep in their own room separately from the parent. They must get ready to stand by their own feet and be braved.

Picture 2: Nasrul Hakim the eldest
I tried to entice them by replacing the bed sheet with the new one.  I let them pick their own bed sheet and comforter at shopping mall. As per usual, boys will pick their own animation superhero character!

On that night all my children went to sleep early around 9.00 o’clock. My hubby was carrying them and put on respectively bed. He put them steady and slowly. We tucked them properly and we gave them our love kisses. We saw on our naked eyes they were soundness sleep. We happy and engrave a big smile along on our faces. 

Picture 3: Kids room

I thought this is the beginning of our children turning point. But at 3.00 am my second son woke up and looks for me. He left behind his elder brother. After an hour, the elder son knocks my bedroom's door and came to me. Then he lay down next to me.

The following night none of my children wish to sleep alone. They want to sleep with us in tight & together… huhuhu

So guys, would you mind to share with me how to handle this case… any tips?


  1. Alolololololo... Manjanya! :) Hehehehe...

    But I cannot comment much on how to encourage them to be brave to sleep separately from Kak Aida and Maza la.. Cus org pun jenis tak tido sorang2 kat rumah. Penah tido sorang2 tapi kena 'ganggu' pulak. So orang tido dengan nenek :) hehe..

  2. wah! lena dema berdua ya.. hahaha

  3. tak de tips utk akak tp nak komen gak..hehe.. ma ajar anak2 tido sendiri pada awal usia lagi.. Masa 6 bulan dah selalu separate tidur ngan diaorg. Ma letak dlm baby cot. Tapi biasanya tgh mlm, angkat smula tido skali. Makin besar, trs tido kat baby cot sampai pagi.

    Umur 2 thn, terus beli katil & cadar kiut-miut hihi utk diaorg tido kat bilik lain. So, alhamdulillah x de masalah sgt. Cuma, si jaja tu still berjalan tgh2 mlm cari ayah.. (anak manja ayah kan.. Kalau ngan ibu, kena marah..hehe..

  4. kak, bloglist akak yang teristimewa tu bukan blog ma la.. indon mari tu..hehe...

  5. kaco daun jer kanns..

    thanx akak singgah2 jenguk2 komen2 blog me yg ittewww

  6. nono; samalah kite... susahnye mahu lelap kalu tidur sorang2

    ma; silap ye... he he, nanti akak betulkan semula.

    en_me; terima kasih.kut2 lalu nanti akk singgah ye!

  7. Err... kita nak sampuk sikit, ekk.

    Kita dulu, siap bubuh lampu tidur kartun...
    Pastu bubuh meja study,kabinet buku (boleh reka sendiri mana-mana meja yang tak pakai tu) biar mereka study dan habiskan banyak masa dalam bilik. Decorate sikit bilik tu, susun mainan mereka jadi mereka leka dan suka berada dalam bilik.

    Kalau susah sangat bagi je sorang satu kain batik ibunya. Buat selimut... lelama mereka akan rasa selesa laa...

    Tapi, kita start awal lagi tidurkan mereka berasingan. Dari umur 4 dan 3 tahun lagi (2 beradik ni rapat juga)


Jangan segan-segan. Meh ler beri kata sepatah dua....

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