Monday, January 31, 2011

Flooding with love ... May God will always protect us!

We were planned to go to my hubby's hometown for Chinese New Year holiday. My hubby was suggested that we should have a family picnic at Sg. Madik or Sg. Temigol Village Recreation Park which is near by his kampung. 

He told me that we will fishing a lot of fresh water fishes and lobsters (udang galah) for our snack and dinner. I could not resist myself when I heard the word of udang galah... So I agreed to join him fishing next to river side and we will set-up a base camp site. 

Pic: Ocean is not always ease... (@Port Dickson)

But yesterday I heard downpour have never stop for couples of days in Johor. The river water was at the point of approaching to exceeding and broken its bank. Thus made the local authority at alarm level. And it meant the torrent is just at the conner, everybody need to pay attention and ready to evacuate if necessary. 

Several districts and kampungs in Johor are already flooded. And few roads to Kota Tinggi have been closed on  last night. 

In fact, all the way from Kluang to hubby's hometown, several stretches are also inundating with water but still be able to access by light vehicle. 

I pray to God All The Mighty, lets my family in law back in kampung would be in safe and they do not have to encounter the catastrophe & bad experience again. 

For record, the worst flood ever hit Johor was back year 2007. This catastrophic had cause 2/3 of Johor submerge.  


  1. I called my mum this morning. Heard quite a downpour through the phone. Mum said the water level has rises near the BP station.

    Fortunately my parents live in Taman Sri Ahmad Perang,Kota Tinggi. That area was one of the lucky places during the worst flood in Johor. I really hope the rain will stop soon.


Jangan segan-segan. Meh ler beri kata sepatah dua....

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